Serving Northern New Jersey for over 13 years

NBC Today Show Features Sterilization Using Same Halo Fogging Machine as AOA

April 30, 2020

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AOA Cleaning and Restoration Work Van

NBC Today Show Features Sterilization Using Same Halo Fogging Machine as AOA

The same machine that AOA uses to disinfect the surfaces in offices, schools, medical facilities and more is being used to sterilize N95 masks at Michigan State University. The story was featured Tuesday April 28, 2020 on NBC’s Today Show to highlight the effectiveness of the vaporized hydrogen peroxide cleaning method to combat SARS-COV-2 (Coronavirus), SARS-COV-1, ebola, influenza and other viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores.

Take a look at how the shortage of N95 masks in Michigan is being effectively combatted using Halosil’s HaloFogger® in this Today Show feature:

Not many cleaning methods are as safe and efficient as the Halo Disinfection System, which AOA has been deploying for over six years. The HaloMist cleaning solution is capable of attacking infectious microorganisms on myriad surfaces including electronics (computers, keyboards, phones, copiers, fax machines, remotes, etc.) which makes it superior over the standard “spray and wipe” method.

AOA will bring the EPA approved Coronavirus disinfecting system HaloFogger to your office, school, medical facility, hospital, place of worship or anywhere else there are gatherings of people, and set the machine to fog all your surfaces. Because the fogging solution is hydrogen peroxide based, it is safer than chlorine bleach and other chemical-based disinfectants.

It takes about 10 minutes to disinfect a standard office with the HaloFogger, about 10 by 12 feet with 9 foot ceilings.

If you have any questions, want to speak to one of our team members about our Halosil Halo Disinfection System, or to schedule a deep clean for your business call us at 201-848-8600.


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